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Re: Old threads stay on back pages

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:33 pm
SSSdave wrote:So a shadow topic is one with an arrow icon. Will remember that haha. And some people complain about them if moved from where they get plunked down at maybe because the link confuses them if the thread moves around in the new forum. Thanks Eric.
It's an impossible juggling act man! lol You run your own website(s) and have experience, and I respect that, but pleasing thousands of people with active input to the process all at once...different animal. ](*,) I think the icon is probably more confusing than anything else. Agree it's crap. It used to be more obvious in earlier designs. I chose this pre-designed and FREE layout based on a number of things, including colors and format, but unfortunately some of the graphics could use some help. Nothing free is perfect. And graphic art skills is a weakness for me. I'm more of a code guy. Dave, if you're not afflicted by that same shortcoming, we welcome your help. [-o< HST is, after all, a community built by its members, for its members.