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Mono Sar Incident Owens Valley

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:47 pm
by maverick
Mono County Animal Control:
We are so grateful for our Mono SAR team! On Saturday the 17th of October we received a call from Sheriff dispatch that an owner was struggling to retrieve his injured 80lb husky/german shepherd mix from the bottom of Owens River Gorge. After making contact with the owner, we quickly realized that this was going to be an impossible task for our small crew of two Animal Control Officers. This was a steep 800 foot slope with rocky loose ground. We made the call to ask dispatch for additional help. Our amazing search and rescue team didn't hesitate to jump in. We found the dog, his name is Sal, in the creek at the bottom of the gorge. He couldn't go two feet without sitting back down. We later found out he had a sprained leg, bruising and some internal bleeding, but is expected to make a full recovery. We had no choice but to carry him out in a sling, thank goodness search and rescue had a sling with handles! We went a few feet at a time, but eventually everyone made it out safe! This was a 10 hour mission! What a tough crew of volunteers we have in our Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue Team, thank you for what you did for Sal and his worried owner!