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Pilot Knob Saddle (Unofficial)

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 5:43 pm
by erutan
TITLE: Pilot Knob Saddle (Unofficial)

GENERAL OVERVIEW: Connects Humphrey Basin with French Lakes via Knob Lake to Alsace Lake.

CLASS/DIFFICULTY: Class 1/2 to the south, 2/2.5 on the north

LOCATION: Sierra National Forest. HST Map 37.27383, -118.75116

ELEVATION: 11,570ft

USGS TOPO MAP (7.5'): Straddles Mt Tom & Mt Hilgard Maps


From Alsace/Chevaux lake ascend towards the obvious saddle. The waypoints here are for an alternate ascent route from Alsace/Chevaux that has a lot more solid ground than the typical pilot pass on the other side of the saddle, it has a nice sandy use trail but more small talus - I'd probably take that for a descent, and people that want something that's a bit simpler if sloggier can eyeball the more commonly used option as well.

Once at the saddle it's a straightforward Class 2 ascent to Pilot Knob, or a simple drop down to Knob Lake via open sandy terrain with some small trees and boulders.

pilot knob saddle.jpg



