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Re: TR: Darwin Goddard & Piute Cyns June 19-22 2021

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:52 pm
by Harlen
Stanley, what a great trip, and your TR was really enjoyable to read. Your drive out from Wisconsin was also impressive; I imagine a huge thermos of strong coffee allows you to achieve those long miles and endless days?

I noticed that you and I buy the same brand of computer and phone:

You wrote:
.... I run back to the van, get my dang phone connected to the network, get my dang computer talking to my dang phone, and call up the....
Dang co. " makes mediocre products, but they're cheap aren't they?

Thanks for putting this great report together, Ian.

Re: TR: Darwin Goddard & Piute Cyns June 19-22 2021

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:56 pm
by erutan
I did this (also not knowing it was a named pass in Secor) in 19 and took a slightly more direct route heading south below the guitar pick shaped lake above the Davis lakes. The only thing that really matters is to hit the right gully on the Davis side to reach the pass, the rest is all pretty CYOA I took a completely different path down the west.

I'd wiggled in the 10400 to 10600 bands around 12434 as well from the outlet of lower Davis lake, the pass is probably simpler if there's significant snow. Just realized it was named "Hudson pass" and did a search for it and this came up. :)