403/Forbidden error

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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by rhyang »

copeg wrote:Ok, made a few small changes...let us know how it goes.
That worked. Thanks !
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by copeg »

Good to hear...let us know if anything changes.
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by rhyang »

copeg wrote:Good to hear...let us know if anything changes.
Just noticed my home IP is again blocked ( No problems posting from my phone on LTE.

Sent from my XT1045 using Tapatalk
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by copeg »

rhyang wrote:
copeg wrote:Good to hear...let us know if anything changes.
Just noticed my home IP is again blocked ( No problems posting from my phone on LTE.
Sorry about that. Made some changes...should hopefully work now.
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by rhyang »

Thank you, it works now !
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by jlmotox »

Same problem here... will not work from home on IP address keep getting 403 error with Tapatalk on my phone and will also not work on a browser. Works fine on LTE... thanks
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by ERIC »

That's your home network IP address. If anything it would be blocking your ISP IP.
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by rlown »

Try this for your IP: https://www.iplocation.net/find-ip-address

It should effectively point out your ISP IP address. Then, maybe Greg or Eric can help.
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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by jlmotox »

Thanks! This is what it gave me.

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Re: 403/Forbidden error

Post by c0ryh »


I’m having this same problem on my laptop. I live out in the sticks and have to connect my laptop to my hotspot in my phone. The website works in my phone but my laptop gets the 403 forbidden error. My IP address according to the website someone listed above is do you think someone can clear this up?

Thank you,

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