Quick Cook Pasta

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Re: Quick Cook Pasta

Post by Wandering Daisy »

I have had trouble with rice pasta getting mushy. Same with Trader Joes lentil or black bean pasta. So far whole wheat Angle Hair works the best. It is compact, cooks with a 1 min. boil, then wrap a cozy around the pot and let it sit 5 minutes. It does not get mushy. The very small stars and such pasta seem to also get mushy.

There is a no cook lasagna noodle that simply soaks up the sauces you put it in. You might try that. I have seen it on the shelves in the store along with the regular lasagna noodles; cannot remember the brand name.

Either my tastes have changed or the quality has deteriorated, but the Knorr pasta and rice "sides" no longer appeal to me. The "rice" sides are really over half very tiny pasta pieces.
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Re: Quick Cook Pasta

Post by CAMERONM »

Trader Joe's Couscous hydrates with hot water instantly. I throw it into almost everything- miso soup, bean, cheese and vegetable mixtures.
I have not tried the Israeli version on the trail, but I beleive that it is fast. Angel hair and Ramen take around ten minutes of soaking, mac n'cheese noodles take even longer, although pummeling them with a hammer at home helps speed them up a bit.
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Re: Quick Cook Pasta

Post by bobby49 »

CAMERONM wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:28 pm although pummeling them with a hammer at home helps speed them up a bit.
Wouldn't a food processor make that easier?
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