Looking for info on Rae Lakes Loop

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Looking for info on Rae Lakes Loop

Post by cloudlesssky »

I'm looking for any 2023 gotchas that I need to be aware of along the Rae Lakes Loop route. I'm planning a counterclockwise trip entering from Onion Valley 10-12 Oct. I did the loop clockwise about 10 years ago so I'm familiar with the standard conditions, but 2023 was a wacky year and it seems prudent to ask. I'm interested in bridges out, detours, etc. I've scoured the forum and didn't see anything that caused me concern (which can sometimes be a concern itself). TIA
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Re: Looking for info on Rae Lakes Loop

Post by c9h13no3 »

I'll throw out some generic advice, more to bump the thread than to give you some last minute advice.

- Brrr, that sounds cold. Bring more layers and warm drinks (and maybe a thermos). I'd be trying to camp low too, the lower portions of the Rae lakes loop that are a bit less scenic might actually be a welcome reprieve from the cold above 10,000'.
- This late in the year, you shouldn't have problems, but the crossing of the South Fork of the Kings is now unbridged (washed out in 2017?).
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Re: Looking for info on Rae Lakes Loop

Post by tomba »

I met some people near Kearsarge Pass a couple of weeks ago who did that loop. They didn't mention any gotchas, but I didn't ask explicitly about that.
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