Caves of Sequoia-Kings Canyon

A place to explore the natural setting (geology, flora & fauna), people, constructed infrastructure and historical events that play and have played a part in shaping the Sierra Nevada as we know it today.
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Re: Caves of Sequoia-Kings Canyon

Post by Lenier »

Can't believe I had not seen this thread before. Anyone around that could put me in contact with a Sequoia caving group? I love off-trail hiking, I love the foothills, and I love caves. I'd love to see them and learn the ropes. I've taken some casual interest over time - mostly after accidentally finding the entrance to Lilburn a few years ago.
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Re: Caves of Sequoia-Kings Canyon

Post by maverick »

Professional Sierra Landscape Photographer

I don't give out specific route information, my belief is that it takes away from the whole adventure spirit of a trip, if you need every inch planned out, you'll have to get that from someone else.

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Re: Caves of Sequoia-Kings Canyon

Post by bobby49 »

CRF administers Lilburn Cave, or at least it did until a big forest fire burned through there a couple of years ago. It's the longest cave in the state.
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Re: Caves of Sequoia-Kings Canyon

Post by zacjust32 »

The San Joaquin Valley Grotto is pretty active and can help with trips. I've gone on a few outings with them and they're super accommodating with newbies.
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Re: Caves of Sequoia-Kings Canyon

Post by limpingcrab »

One of the grottos is probably your best bet to check out local caves. CRF is more of a small research group and they're great, but not really recreational. I joined and attended their meetings and when I finally got registered for my first Lilburn trip, Covid ruined it. They're finally up and running again and making trips but the cabin they used to stay in burned in a fire so now they're just camping. I'm bummed I never got the chance to stay in the research cabin, even though it was nothing fancy.
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