Bishop Pass - Trip Options

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Re: Bishop Pass - Trip Options

Post by maxr22 »

Concur with WD for option 1, exit via lamarck.

Option 2 would be rough and if you fell short then I think you may be very disappointed as you will be deep in leconte canyon, or potentially further up towards muir pass and have to backtrack ground you just covered without reaching your goal.

I like the idea of Ladder lake. I think if you make good time you can make it there on day 2 starting from Dusy Basin. If you are in good shape you could climb the citadel early in day 3, and hopefully making it to at least the campsite at (37.09437, -118.58575). From there you could make it to the trailhead in 6 hours I would guess.

Or stay higher and cross into palisade basin/barrett lakes via thunderbolt col, come back to dusy via knapsack (or vice versa). This will allow you to cover ground in both basins.
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Re: Bishop Pass - Trip Options

Post by shawnterustic »

Totally doable and a great trip! Dusy Basin is a great place to test your XC skills before continuing on the trip.
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