Opening Links in New Tab

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Opening Links in New Tab

Post by limpingcrab »

Sorry if this has been brought up before. I also realize it's relatively simple to right click and open links in new tabs.

That being said, this is the only forum I use that doesn't automatically open links in new tabs. It's nice when it works like that so your page on HST remains open while checking out the posted links. I believe it also makes it less likely for users to just move on and not return to the site. If it's an easy change on the administrator end then I think it would be a good idea.

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Re: Opening Links in New Tab

Post by SirBC »

Most all mice allow for middle-clicking the scroll wheel to open a link in a new tab.
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Re: Opening Links in New Tab

Post by grampy »

Also, for IPhone (and undoubtedly Android phones as well) you can hold down on the link for one second, and a temporary dialog box opens, allowing you to do the “open in new tab” action.
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Re: Opening Links in New Tab

Post by Gogd »

Or if one cannot not mouse center (wheel) click, CTL Key + left click will open link in new window.

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