Arrow Pass

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Arrow Pass

Post by RoguePhotonic »

GENERAL OVERVIEW: This pass leads from Arrow Creek to the small valley / basin East of Arrow Peak.


LOCATION: Kings Canyon National Park 0.7 miles SE of Arrow Peak HST Map


USGS TOPO MAP (7.5'): Mt. Pinchot

ROUTE DESCRIPTION: If crossing East to West the primary slope coming down from the pass is choked with willows. Cross the outlet of Lake 10,550 to the West side. Just before this slope is a outcrop of rock. Begin up here for a bit and then cross into the large chute when the terrain is clear on a steep forested hillside. A small use trail can be located here. Take this up until it levels out in an area with scattered willows and light meadow. From here it's an easy scramble to the top on small talus and sandy slopes.

Secor's guide describes traversing further West and then circling down to the lake on Arrow Creek which I did and it was easy class 2 but once I had reached the lake and looking back I see no reason why you could not drop straight down from the pass.


TITLE: Arrow Descent 1 & 2

GENERAL OVERVIEW: This is a connector point for Arrow Pass / Creek and an option to getting to or from Woods Creek

CLASS/DIFFICULTY: Class 2 if proper route found. My experience was class 4-5. This is to be considered if one does not find the right way as choosing not to tackle the technical section I did would require a backtrack of several hundred feet up the hill to find a cross over point of the creek.

LOCATION Kings Canyon National Park on the snaking W & SW ridge of Pyramid Peak. HST Map

ELEVATION: 11,,010

USGS TOPO MAP (7.5'): Mt. Pinchot

ROUTE DESCRIPTION: The North slope is a mix of slabs, small benches to zig zag up and some medium talus. Crossing over the terrain is mostly grassy from there to Descent 2. I dropped down the West side of that drainage all the way. It was plenty steep, over grown in sections having me climbing through White Thorn and Prickly Currants. Several sections narrow through slabs of granite that become very specific and steep at times. I eventually just before hitting the major section of burn zone was routed into a class 4-5 down climb on a single crack that was on the scary side. I could not see another option as the whole area around me was steep granite slabs with micro cliffs. I think perhaps I took the wrong way completely. I knew nothing more than people drop down there so I just went for it.

I do believe that following the creek is impossible and the nature of the terrain pretty much makes you choose one side and stick with it because your not crossing over!

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