Preview Posts Being Lost

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Preview Posts Being Lost

Post by ERIC »

Works fine for me, tested on four difference computers. Those of you having trouble, please check to insure that you have cookies enabled. Also, after hitting the preview button, do not use your browser's back button. That's not how this feature works. After hitting the preview button, the preview of your post is on top, and your post field is below to make any changes you might want before hitting the submit button.

If you're still having problems, please respond here and let me know what browser/version and operating system/version you are using. Simply saying you're having problems doesn't give me much to go on. I need details. :)

Also, in the future please post your technical problems in a new thread on this forum. Posting them buried in an unrelated thread makes it like finding a needle in a haystack for me, and there's a chance I might not see your post.


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gary c.
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Re: Preview Posts Being Lost

Post by gary c. »

What happens to me is that when I preview a post with a link attached I always try to open the link to make sure it works. When doing this on other boarde that I go to the link opens in another window. Here on the HS board instead of opening in a new window the link opens in the same one as I'm useing for HS. After the link opens up and I know that it works the only option is to use the browser's back button in order to get back to my post and hit the submit button. When I go back it takes me to the reply screan but the message body is lost and I have to start over. What I have been trying to remember to do is just submit my post and then open the link to see if it works. If it does not work I can then edit my post to make corrections.
Gary C.

I'm not very computer savy so please try to read past my incorrect use of terminology and the confusion it causes.
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Re: Preview Posts Being Lost

Post by ERIC »

Hey Gary,

Ok, I see your problem now. Your explanation was just fine; thanks. :)

Links on this forum open in the same window (whether a different site in or out of the preview pane, or a page within HST in our out of the preview pane). It's a feature related to phpBB, which is the forum software we use here. phpBB is a very common forum software, though the other forums you are referring to are probably those of,, or similar where the forum software they use is custom designed from scratch. Unfortunately, that's not an option for us here, as this is not an e-commerce site that generates revenue to support such development. However, I will search around to see if there might be a code "hack" that can get around this issue. In the meantime, if you want to test a link in the preview pane, try right mouse clicking on the link and selecting "open link in new window" (or similar dialog, depending on which browser you're using) from the menu that comes up. Doing so should keep your original post.

Let me know if this works. I'll get back to you on a possible fix. Thanks for your input. :D
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Re: Preview Posts Being Lost

Post by gary c. »

Eric, your right click "open new window" method works fine, so does my post and check method. I just need to remember to do it one of those ways. I had assumed (incorrectly), that all that was needed was for you to change the default in the forum program to open in a new window. Thank you taking the time to help me understand.
Gary C.
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Re: Preview Posts Being Lost

Post by ERIC »

No, I took a look and there isn't an option in the admin control panel. But the fix might be relatively simple on the code side of things, I just need continue looking into it. My only concern is how a code change like that might affect the way links within HST function (such as when you click on a thread to read, you wouldn't want it to open in a new window).

I'll keep you posted.

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